How Do You Replace a Faulty Fuel Pump Relay?

How to replace a bad fuel pump relay: Location, Testing and replacement of malfunctioning unit. The fuel pump relay is a switch that enables power to the Fuel Pump, it ensures that the Fuel Pump only turns on when needed by the engine to supply fuel. If a relay is faulty, this may interfere with where you’re starting or even the engine would stall.

You will probably find the relay in the fuse box of the vehicle so first find out that. A diagram in the fuse box cover or in the owner’s manual usually shows which relay goes where in most vehicles. Auto technicians say the average time to get access to and diagnose a fuel pump relay is about 15-20 minutes depending on the model of car.

Check relay with a multimeter (continuity and voltage testing) Switch the multimeter to measure resistance, ohms, and then connect the leads to the relay terminals. On a healthy relay, you should see a resistance reading of between 50 and 200 ohms. Out of this range or the relay does not actuate when power is supplied means replacement is required. According to the study, faulty relays are responsible for 10-15% of fuel delivery faults in contemporary vehicles.

Generally, disconnect the battery of the vehicle before pulling out an old relay to avoid electrical hazards. Use a relay puller or remove it carefully by hand without damaging other relays. To install the new relay, simply align its pins with the socket and press down until it clicks into place. At less than $50 for a replacement, plus the cost of labor, it is one of the most inexpensive repairs.

Then reconnect and reinstall the battery Once your car is back together be sure to test that the ignition functions and the fuel pump kicks on! If the relay is working, listen for the pump priming sound (low hum). If the pump is still no noise, then additional diagnosis may need be performed to determine if there any further electrical or fuel system fault.

In a case study by ASE-certified technicians, switching out a malfunctioning fuel pump relay in a 2018 Honda Civic improved system reliability and renewable starting issues while preventing an expensive replacement of the fuel pump itself. Regularly checking electrical components is a part of pro-active maintenance which decreases the chances of relay failure suddenly.

Getting the Fuel Pump relay changed is not a tough fix, and it will get you back on track in terms of proper fuel delivery and vehicle reliability. By using quality relays and then replacing them on a timely schedule, the life or serviceability of the complete fuel system can be extended to save repairs and breakdowns.

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